What affects Barber Chair prices?

When it comes to buying barber furniture from Turkey, there are a number of factors that will affect the barber chair price. From design and style to features and durability, all of these factors come together to determine the cost of your chair. Let’s take a look at some of the most common factors that can impact barber chair prices.

Size & Weight Capacity

One of the main factors that affect barber salon furniture prices is size and weight capacity. The larger and heavier the chair, the more expensive it will be. This is because larger furniture salon require additional materials, as well as more robust construction to accommodate heavier weights. Additionally, these larger chairs may require more time to assemble or install. If you’re looking for a low-cost barber chair, choose one with a smaller footprint and lighter weight capacity.

Barber Chair

Material & Design

The material used in the construction of your barber chair will also affect hairdresser chair price. Hair styling Chair made from high-end materials such as leather, wood veneer, or other premium fabrics will cost more than those made from basic synthetic materials like vinyl or polyester blends. Additionally, if you opt for a custom design with intricate detailing or extra features such as massage capabilities or adjustable headrests, expect to pay more for your barber hair salon equipment than if you went with a simpler design. 

Durability & Quality

The durability and quality of your barber chair are also important considerations when it comes to barber chairs for sale. Barbers will want to invest in sturdier and higher quality furniture salon that can withstand frequent use over long periods of time without sacrificing on comfort or aesthetics. Cheaper models may not have these qualities but may be suitable for salon use where they won’t get too much wear and tear over time.

Durable Barber Chair


Ultimately, there are many factors that can influence barber hair salon equipment prices — from size and weight capacity to material choice, design features, durability, and quality standards — so it’s important to consider furniture from Turkey with all these elements before making a purchase decision in order to ensure you get value for money within your budget range. With an informed approach combined with careful research into available hair styling chair on the market today, salon owners can find exactly what they need at an affordable price point without compromising quality or customer experience in their salons!

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